Sunday, May 26, 2013


Now it is a while ago since we got home and the updating
havent been so updated...
But our personal blogs have been more updated
so u can check out them if you want:

And adding a poem of the feelings after outreach:

A chapter of my life has past.
Perspective are gained and widened.Lessons have been learned.Strength have been found in weakness.

People have formed my character.My heart have been checked.Experiences have made way…for a new day…

A piece of me is still in that placeThe friends, the peoplethat God made me meet.Have left footprints in my heart

Some friendships lasts forever,some are for a season.But every season is importantCause every season have lefttheir marks upon our lives.The important thing is always,how you deal with what you got.

Every person forms you,in one way or another.And you have impacted people,in one way or another.A piece of your heart,is passed on and multiplied.A piece in your heartis forever changed.But your heart has not decreasedbut increased.

New York will always be in my heart. The special people there.Have ment much to me. I am forever thankfulfor what I have been able to experience.2 month outreach in New York City is over. I have met and talked to the people of the streets and experienced things you only will in a big city, and only with God. New York is so special. Variety around every corner. A mix of many cultures makes it so beautiful and unique.  The good stuff and the bad stuff of every culture is represented in this crazy never-sleeping city. And oh, the contrasts, many hate/love feelings is attached to this place. Where they are all striving to become something… Famous or rich….But actually just loved, seen and appreciated.God has his hand in the game, he is watching over this place. He has the perfect plan.The people we met that are working in the town as missionaries and spreading Gods joy and love, did amazing work. It was so inspiring. And they are so much in use by God in the heavyness that NYC can contain. Bringing light into the world. 

So happy and blessed to have worked with the organisation we have. Encourage you to take a look at some:)

Relief Bus : Hands: on Beekman:

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